Memory doesn't have to be about matching identical images! Try this Valentine's Day Counting Memory Game for Preschoolers with 5 different types of cards to mix and match! Covers numbers 1-9.
Valentine‘s Day Counting Memory Game for Preschoolers – VIP Version
Includes 5 versions: - images, numbers, number words; - images only; - numbers and number words; - numbers only; - number words only. All come in three different fonts and both in color and b&w.   Memory doesn't have to be about matching identical images! Try this Valentine's Day Counting Memory Game for Preschoolers with 5 different types of cards to mix and match! Covers numbers 1-9. Memory doesn't have to be about matching identical images! Try this Valentine's Day Counting Memory Game for Preschoolers with 5 different types of cards to mix and match! Covers numbers 1-9.
$0.99 Add to cart
Alphabet Roads Letter Match
Includes each letter from A-Z with a "road" look (gray with yellow dashed center lines) both in upper- and lowercase and dashed lines in three different variations:
  1. with directional arrows and numbers for tracing;
  2. with directional arrows for tracing (no numbers);
  3. plain dashed tracing lines  (no arrows or numbers).
    In addition, you get 27 pages of colorful cars. For each letter from A-Z, there are six cars with the uppercase letter on them and six cars with the lowercase letter. In addition, there's one page of 12 blank cars (with no letters). Perfect for letter recognition, upper- and lowercase matching, letter sorting, tracing, and more!   Everything comes both in color and in black and white!      
$6.99 Add to cart
Practice numbers, counting to 12, 1:1 correspondence, and more with these printable Easter Egg Counting Cards 1-12. Perfect for preschoolers, toddlers, and kindergarteners. Available in 3 fonts, color, and b&w.
Easter Egg Counting Cards 1-12 – VIP Version
Counting cards covering numbers 1-12. Three different fonts and colored and b&w versions available. Practice numbers, counting to 12, 1:1 correspondence, and more with these printable Easter Egg Counting Cards 1-12. Perfect for preschoolers, toddlers, and kindergarteners. Available in 3 fonts, color, and b&w. Practice numbers, counting to 12, 1:1 correspondence, and more with these printable Easter Egg Counting Cards 1-12. Perfect for preschoolers, toddlers, and kindergarteners. Available in 3 fonts, color, and b&w.
$0.99 Add to cart
Learn to recognize letter E with this cute, simple, no prep E is for Easter Egg Dot Marker Letter Find. Perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners who are learning to read. Includes lowercase, uppercase, and mixed case versions in color and black & white.
E is for Easter Egg Dot Marker Letter Find Printable – VIP Version
Includes no prep dot marker letter find worksheets in color and black and white, covering lowercase, uppercase, and mixed case letter E - six in all.   Learn to recognize letter E with this cute, simple, no prep E is for Easter Egg Dot Marker Letter Find. Perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners who are learning to read. Includes lowercase, uppercase, and mixed case versions in color and black & white.
$0.99 Add to cart
Dinosaur Counting Mini Folding Book – VIP Version
Includes mini folding books covering numbers 1-7 in three different font choices, all in color and b&w.    
$0.99 Add to cart
Valentine’s Cuties Counting Cards 1-12 – VIP Version
Includes counting cards for numbers 1-12 in three different font choices, all in color and b&w.  
$0.99 Add to cart
Christmas Tree Counting Play Dough Mats – VIP Version
Includes play dough mats with Christmas trees, ornaments, and numbers 1-20 plus two bonus Christmas morning tracing pages.      
$0.99 Add to cart
Winter Holidays Around the World Matching Game for Toddlers – VIP Version
Includes 6 total versions of the matching game, 5 of them VIP exclusive: In color with colored text, in color with black text, in color with no text, in black and white with black text, in black and white with a black text outline, and in black and white with no text.  
$0.99 Add to cart
Football Printable Pack
This printable pack has 32 pages of printable football-related activities:
  • (4) 3 Piece Puzzles,
  • (4) 6 Piece Puzzles,
  • (1) Maze,
  • (1) I Spy game,
  • (4) Beginning Sound Cards,
  • (1) Size Sort,
  • (1) Matching Game with 15 pairs,
  • (5) prewriting tracing pages,
  • (4) Dot Marker Letters,
  • and (12) Coloring Pages.
$3.00 Add to cart
24 Days of Christmas Printables Christmas Countdown
24 Days of Christmas Printables, perfect for counting down from December 1 to Christmas. There's a total of 52 activities to choose from, so you always have alternatives if one or several don't work for you. Includes a clickable table of content and material lists for each day and activity.
$9.99 Add to cart
Emotions Play Dough Mats
Learn about eight different emotions (happy, excited, silly, sad, upset, worried, angry, surprised) in a hands-on way with these cute colorful play dough mats! Includes - Interactive table of contents. - Four (4) title pages to help you find what you‘re looking for more easily. - Eight (8) play dough mats with emoticons showing eight (8) different emotions and matching emotion words. - Eight (8) play dough mats with emoticons only. - Two (2) play dough mats with mixed emoticons („positive“/“negative“ emotions). - Eight (8) smaller emoticon cards for busy bags, flash cards, or other uses.   ***Watch the preview video below for a peek at all pages!***   [video width="1056" height="816" mp4=""][/video]  
Original price was: $3.00.Current price is: $2.50. Add to cart
Printables for Kids: Back to Preschool Printable Pack to go with the book Maisy Goes to Preschool
Back to Preschool Printable Pack
Back to Preschool Printable Pack includes simple and fun activities for young kids: - 2 Back to School I Spy Games (incl. 1 answer key), - 5 pages of pre-writing tracing pages, - 1 preschool and 1 playground activities coloring page, - 4 three-piece puzzles, - 3 beginning sound dot marker pages in color and b&w (C is for coat, S is for singing, N is for nap). Watch the preview video for a look at all activities pages. [video width="1396" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]    
$2.50 Add to cart